Inspiration Friday - How do you go from the messy middle to masterpiece?

Our notes and brushwork may not always land where we expect them to…

Inspiration Friday - Does your art work even when you don't?

Painting isn’t about waiting for the perfect conditions.

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8paint Inspiration Fridays What beauty is in your world?

Inspiration Fridays! What beauty is in your world?

Fall in love with what is in front of you. And then, share that love. We still need artists.
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Inspiration Fridays! Is the answer in your next painting?

Sometimes a painting can feel like a trap. My morning will start off bright and full of hope.
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Inspiration Fridays! Can you buy inspiration?

A combination of objects well arranged transforms the ordinary into art. Every piece can spark my imagination and help me to see the world anew.
Gabriel Lipper-still life on canvas-adult art classes

Inspiration Fridays! Have You Mastered Magic?

Next time you're in your creative space, try letting Shūgyō guide your hand and Wabi-Sabi inspire your passion. Together, they’ll help you create art that’s not just extraordinary, but extraordinarily you.

Inspiration Fridays! Are You Painting in Flow?

Dr. Csikszentmihalyi describes this “flow state” as a condition of optimal experience, where individuals are completely absorbed in their activities. 
Infinity - 36"x72" - oil on panel - Gabriel Mark Lipper

Inspiration Fridays! Does Your Art Make The To-Do List?

When I’m teaching a class or taking a workshop, I’m going to show up. I owe it to the other people enrolled to give it my best. Maybe it’s just mental trickery, but sometimes this is exactly the inspiration that I need to make my best work.
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Inspiration Fridays! Does Your Art Have Permission To Grow?

Our style isn’t something that we get to define or even predict. It comes from the work we make and the paths we choose. 
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Inspiration Fridays! Can Your Art Be Both?

When I first started painting, I wanted very much to be right. My paintings were carefully executed. The work needed to be accessible and relatable in order to be “good”.
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Inspiration Fridays! Why wouldn’t you create?

I felt like there needed to be a masterpiece on every canvas to justify the expense. And in order to grow and risk, that just wasn’t going to happen.
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Inspiration Fridays! What if the opposite were also true?

Believe it or not, the real success for an artist is in showing up, doing of the work, and being willing to share that work...
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Inspiration Fridays! What will you paint tomorrow?

If you didn’t make it to the easel today, instead of berating yourself for falling off, take some time to reflect.