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Recent Posts
- Inspiration Fridays! Where is the beauty in imperfection?September 13, 2024 - 1:00 am
- Inspiration Fridays! Can mistakes make the work better?September 6, 2024 - 8:04 am
- Inspiration Fridays! Does art’s value need validation?August 30, 2024 - 7:11 am
Previous Posts
Inspiration Fridays! Do your assumptions need glasses?
Inspiration FridaysDrawing from a photo? Turn it upside down and see if those shapes aren't just a little bit more obvious when you don’t know what you’re looking at.
Inspiration Fridays! How can a painting talk?
Inspiration FridaysStanding in front of a painting by Gauguin, I'm transported. His work takes me out of the d'Orsay and drops me off in the state of Wonder
Inspiration Fridays! Does creativity need a treat?
Inspiration FridaysCreativity is a cat. She chooses you. In the meantime, all you need to do is show up and be ready to let her in.
Inspiration Fridays! Does your small canvas feel big?
Inspiration FridaysSwitching it up and moving toward larger canvases when you’re painting is always exciting.
Inspiration Fridays! Do Your Dreams Pay Rent?
Inspiration Fridays I can't begin to count the times, that I have been caught acting as both the host and guest...
Inspiration Fridays! Have you jumped yet?
Inspiration FridaysI stared out across the underside of the wobbly wing of a well-loved Cessna Skylane...
Inspiration Fridays! What’s the value of art?
Inspiration FridaysHow do you sell something you love without coming off as fake or cheesy?
Inspiration Fridays! Good enough? Absolutely!
Inspiration FridaysWhat if your drawing didn't have to be "right" to be good?
Inspiration Fridays! Get Past Your Blocks and Find Your Inspiration
Inspiration FridaysSometimes inspiration leaps out from the unexpected and bites us right on the neck.
Inspiration Fridays! Can you make art out of a mess?
Inspiration FridaysIt can be hard to leave the house when you know what's out there.
Inspiration Fridays! Mastery Is Not Just For The Masters
Inspiration FridaysI like comfortable. I'm a huge fan of vacations and barbecues.
Inspiration Fridays! What lights you up?
Inspiration FridaysI’m exploring, digging through the works of my past, and adding new layers.
Inspiration Fridays! Where is the beauty in imperfection?
Inspiration FridaysLet go of the idea of getting it “right.” Focus on the rhythm, the emotion, the story behind the pose.